Société Scientifique de Bruxelles


Idéologies, constructions, libérations

Catégorie: Revue des Questions Scientifiques

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La Rédaction, Table des matières, p. 337-337

Référence complète

La Rédaction, Table des matières, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 337-337.

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Duchêne (Joseph), Idéologies, constructions, libérations : colloque du 22 avril 1998 (en hommage au professeur G. Fourez), p. 339-346

Référence complète

Duchêne (Joseph), Idéologies, constructions, libérations : colloque du 22 avril 1998 (en hommage au professeur G. Fourez), in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 339-346.


This text is the inaugural speech of the international symposium organised in honour of Gérard Fourez the 22 April 1998 in Namur. It shows the gratitude of the members of the department «Sciences, philosophies, sociétés», more particulary for his epistemological work, for his social, political and religious involvementmand for his researches in philosophy of education. In this three missions, Gérard Fourez played a role of «go-beyond».

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Larochelle (Marie), Désautels (Jacques), L'éducation aux sciences : l'«effet Fourez», p. 347-358

Référence complète

Larochelle (Marie), Désautels (Jacques), L'éducation aux sciences : l'«effet Fourez», in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 347-358.


In this paper, we attempt to show how the work of Gerard Fourez is paradigmatic in that it constitutes a powerful tool for challenging the tendency among educators to institute scientific knowledge as a world of objects that is, a world of reified, and hence unaccountable powers, and for conceiving of educational strategies which re-place knowledge, its production as well as its appropriation within the world of subjects hence, in a world of tensions, conflicts, and negotiations. In so doing, this work not only re-launches robust discussion over the socio-ethical issues which underlie the enterprise of science education, but also makes possible the development of new research programs. That is why we have chosen to speak of the Fourez effect in science education.

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Feltz (Bernard), Le concept de sélection naturelle : entre science et idéologie, p. 359-369

Référence complète

Feltz (Bernard), Le concept de sélection naturelle : entre science et idéologie, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 359-369.


The concept of Natural Selection is analysed in three historical moments : the prehistory of the concept in early 19th century, the social darwinism in the late 19th century, more recently the neural darwinism in the 1990th. Philosophical implications are then studied : first concerning a general conception of science in the context of the rationalist/contextualist debate in the history of science, second concerning the relations between science and ideology.

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Lambert (Dominique), Eddington et les sources du constructivisme, p. 371-380

Référence complète

Lambert (Dominique), Eddington et les sources du constructivisme, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 371-380.


The aim of the paper is to unterline Eddington's contribution to the rise of the contemporary epistemological constructivism.

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Tilman (Francis), L'éducation technologique dans l'enseignement secondaire en Belgique francophone, p. 381-411

Référence complète

Tilman (Francis), L'éducation technologique dans l'enseignement secondaire en Belgique francophone, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 381-411.


Does education towards technology belong in French speaking secondary teaching ? Francis Tilman attempts to give an answer to this question. In his article, he examines the different shapes that forming towards technologies may take. For each of these, he examines the genesis of their appearance, the finalities they wish to develop, the didactic that are most appropriate regarding the chosen finalities. Although technology has always belonged in professionnal forming it has not yet been generally acknowledged, far from it, as a branch of instruction equal to any other and liable to form the mind as they do. The author specifies the object and derives the stakes of the current debates and strategies regarding this question.

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Mathy (Philippe), Histoire des sciences et enseignement des sciences : quoi ? Pourquoi ? Comment ?, p. 413-434

Référence complète

Mathy (Philippe), Histoire des sciences et enseignement des sciences : quoi ? Pourquoi ? Comment ?, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 413-434.


The history of science can play an important role in science teaching. It assumes that science courses are not only drilling to scientific models, but also try to educate more largely on the sciences and by the sciences. Such a goal can be reached by a socio-constructivist epistemology, describing the scientific activity as a human endeavour among others in society. Case studies - histories of concepts, assessment and experts debates, sciences as particular languages, science-industries links, ... - chosen to provide students with intellectual skills about sciences. These skills constitute critical tools for citizenship. They can also give the future scientists a more enlightening culture concerning the functioning of the scientific professionals in society.

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Tihon (Paul), Du pragmatisme en théologie, p. 435-446

Référence complète

Tihon (Paul), Du pragmatisme en théologie, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 435-446.


A first sight, theology (discourse about God) has little to do with pragmatism, oriented towards the production of some results in the social field. But the sociology of knowledge has accustomed us to delect the connexions between every kind of knowledge and specific interests - hence, with intentions to produce some effects. Actually, even the theologians of the Middle Ages discussed the question whether theology was a theoretical or a practical science. In the contemporary theological production, it is easy to trace this practical aspect of every (christian) theology. Obvious in the liberation theologies, it appears clearly in the theological works of G. Fourez, but also in more (seemingly) theoretical works as those of Ad. Gesche or J. Moingt.

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Thill (Georges), La médiance comme point de vue et l'interfécondation culturelle : un horizon socio-épistémologique et éhtique d'une science viable et vivable, p. 447-454

Référence complète

Thill (Georges), La médiance comme point de vue et l'interfécondation culturelle : un horizon socio-épistémologique et éhtique d'une science viable et vivable, in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 447-454.


From the so called mediance point of view and according to the author's understanding of the Namur University Science Faculty Department «Sciences, philosophies, sociétés» through his lasting experience in this department, the paper, produced in the honor of the department founder, intends to examine a socio-epistemological and ethical way to approaching the strategic advantage of such a department in order to promote sustainable science for an united and responsible world. The concept of mediance, created by the french geographer Augustin Berque, transforms a milieu into a landscape which reveals the meaning of this milieu through combining sensitive and symbolic dimensions and, so doing, shows the interrelation between physical and social environment. Rational and sensitive reason are united and it becomes possible to go beyond classical contrasts like traditional/modern, endogenous/exogenous, North/South, producer/user, local/global, technical/social, science/culture, environment/development, evaluation/forecast. Through the mediance approach, the dynamics of the above mentionned interdisciplinary department appears exemplary useful to create good conditions for relating knowledge and science to culture and for orienting, ethically seen, science, through knowledge and culture dialog and interfertilization, in a desirable way, where competence and innovation are promoted and valorized notably by diversified partnerships between scientists and other social actors towards creating and diffusing in each society global quality and sustainability.

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La Rédaction, Table des matières du tome 168 (1997), p. 455-462

Référence complète

La Rédaction, Table des matières du tome 168 (1997), in Revue des Questions Scientifiques, tome 168, 1997, n°4, p. 455-462.

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